Allow me to begin with Confucius who said “everything has its beauty yet not every person sees it”. Beauty is… We as a whole recall platitudes, for example, beauty is shallow, is quite shallow, isn’t quite shallow, is in that frame of mind of the spectator, comes from the inside, etc. The American essayist Jean Kerr said “I’m burnt out on this garbage about beauty being quite shallow. That is sufficiently profound. What is it that you need – a charming pancreas?” And for those of you who put stock in the new saying that beauty is in a punch and have come to catch wind of Botox, strips and fillers, they won’t get a notice, so leave now on the off chance that you wish. However, before you go, let me cause you to notice a sonnet of Thomas Campion a Renaissance English writer, of whom it was said “he had the liberal deceptions of youth; dedicated to the investigations of verse, music, and medication, dressed with that better consideration and compassion which comes to a decent doctor”, most likely still pertinent to the present understudies, yet in his sonnet he said: “Beauty is nevertheless a painted damnation; shee […]
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