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Pieffe Auto Group è la concessionaria Peugeot, Citroen, DS Automobiles, Opel, Suzuki, Hyundai, XEV, Dodge, RAM, OMODA, JAECOO, LEAPmotor che da oltre un decennio opera con impegno e professionalità nelle province di Teramo, Ascoli Piceno e L’Aquila. 

Pieffe Auto Group è la concessionaria Peugeot, Citroen, DS Automobiles, Opel, Suzuki, Hyundai, XEV, Dodge, RAM, OMODA, JAECOO, LEAPmotor che da oltre un decennio opera con impegno e professionalità nelle province di Teramo, Ascoli Piceno e L’Aquila.  Grazie ad un’organizzazione completa e ad un team moderno e qualificato, la concessionaria Pieffe Auto svolge distribuzione di auto, veicoli commerciali, ricambi, assistenza meccanica e carrozzeria di alto livello, offrendo un sicuro punto di riferimento anche agli automobilisti più Concessionaria Jaecoo esigenti.  Pieffe Auto Group offre la migliore selezione di auto nuove, aziendali e usate d’eccellenza. Garanzia 12 mesi prolungabile fino a 24 Mesi!Pieffe Auto Group, offre auto usate come Peugeot 2008 usata, Peugeot 3008 usata, Citroen C3 usata, DS 7, Opel Corsa, Suzuki Swift, Hyundai, XEV, Dodge, RAM, OMODA 5, JAECOO, LEAPmotor . Visita i nostri centri usato presso le sedi di Teramo, L’Aquila e Grottammare. Visualizza tutte le nostre offerte sul sito e visualizza le nostre auto con una panoramica a 360° di interni ed esterni in Virtual Tour. Le sedi della concessionaria Pieffe Auto Group sono distribuite sul territorio abruzzese e marchigiano – Teramo, Giulianova, L’Aquila, Ascoli Piceno e Grottammare – per essere vicine alle esigenze dei clienti. Moderne, complete e attrezzate, le concessionarie Pieffe Auto Group sono un centro […] read more
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Choosing the Best Car Rental Service

There are various justifications for why individuals decide to lease a vehicle. It very well may be on the grounds that they are on an away or out-of-country excursion and need a method for transportation for a specific timeframe. It could likewise be on the grounds that their vehicles are being fixed and need one more vehicle substitution for brief timeframe. Anything the reasons are for recruiting or leasing a vehicle, frequently the a fundamental worry for these clients is the way to choose the sports car rental dubai best vehicle rental organization among the various offices that anyone could hope to find. In renting for a vehicle, one generally attempt to get the most ideal vehicle at an extraordinary cost. Begin by framing the financial plan on vehicle rental. It is ideal to designate a specific sum that might be somewhat over than whatever is really required to have been arranged for anything that might come up. Then, at that point, set out and decide the sort of vehicle is required. A top to bottom data about the vehicle to be leased is vital. Great gas mileage is likewise a critical component in picking the right vehicle. Make certain […] read more
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